
foldr_lazy(combine, initial, xs)[source]

Foldable t => (a -> (() -> b) -> (() -> b)) -> b -> t a -> b

Nonstrict right-associative fold.

This function is similar to foldr in Haskell, but note that the combine function uses singleton lambda functions to achieve laziness and to enable tail-call optimization.

Let’s have a closer look on the signature of combine to understand the possibilities a bit better:

The signature of combine is a -> (() -> b) -> (() -> b). You can think of these () -> b as “lazy” accumulated values. () -> b is just a lambda function that takes no arguments and returns a value of type b. Let’s name the first argument x :: a and the second argument lacc :: () -> b (as “lazy accumulator”). Now we can explain how to make use of some powerful features:

  • When combine doesn’t use it’s second argument lacc, the recursion stops (i.e., short-circuits). Therefore, infinite lists might be processed in finite time.

  • When combine returns lacc as such without modifying it, tail-call optimization triggers. Therefore, very long lists might be processed efficiently without exceeding maximum recursion depth or overflowing the stack.

  • When combine uses lacc but the evaluation lacc() is “post-poned” (e.g., it happens inside yet another lambda function), the recursion becomes “lazy” as it will continue only when lacc() actually gets evaluated. Therefore, infinite lists can be processed lazily.

Note that Python’s built-in reduce function doesn’t support these features.


Short-circuiting and tail-call optimization for an infinite list:

>>> xs = iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 1)
>>> my_any = foldr_lazy(lambda x, lacc: (lambda: True) if x else lacc, False)
>>> my_any(xs.map(lambda x: x > 100000))

Looking at (lambda: True) if x else lacc, we can see that when the left side of the if-expression is evaluated, the fold short-circuits because True makes no use of lacc. When the right side of the if-expression is evaluated, the fold uses efficient tail-call optimization because lacc is returned unmodified.

Lazy evaluation makes it possible to transform infinite structures:

>>> from haskpy import Cons, Nil
>>> my_map = lambda f: foldr_lazy(lambda x, lacc: lambda: Cons(f(x), lacc), Nil)
>>> my_map(lambda x: x ** 2)(xs)
Cons(1, Cons(4, Cons(9, Cons(16, Cons(25, Cons(36, ...))))))

The infinite list gets mapped lazily because lacc isn’t called at this time, it is delayed as the linked list will call it only when the next element is requested.

Note that sometimes you shouldn’t use foldr_lazy because it can cause stack overflow (or rather hit Python’s recursion limit) because of too deep recursion. This can happen with a long list when the recursion doesn’t short-circuit (early enough), tail-call optimization cannot be used and the recursion doesn’t pause for laziness. A simple such example is a summation:

>>> my_sum = foldr_lazy(lambda x, lacc: lambda: x + lacc(), 0)
>>> my_sum(xs.take(100))
>>> my_sum(xs.take(1000000))

For this kind of folds, you should use foldl.

As already shown, foldr_lazy generalizes map and any. It can also be used to implement many other functions in a may that may seem a bit surprising at first, for instance:

>>> from haskpy import Just, Nothing
>>> my_head = foldr_lazy(lambda x, lacc: lambda: Just(x), Nothing)
>>> my_head(xs)
>>> my_head(Nil)