Source code for haskpy.types.linkedlist

"""Linked list of values

.. autosummary::



import attr
import functools
from hypothesis import strategies as st

from haskpy.typeclasses import Monad, Monoid, Foldable, Eq
from haskpy.types.either import Left, Right
from haskpy import testing
from haskpy.internal import (
from haskpy.testing import eq_test
from haskpy.types.function import function

[docs]@immutable() class LinkedList(Monad, Monoid, Foldable, Eq): """Linked-list with "lazy" Cons The "lazy" Cons makes it possible to construct infinite lists. For instance, an infinite list of a repeated value 42 can be constructed as: .. code-block:: python >>> repeat(42) Cons(42, Cons(42, Cons(42, Cons(42, Cons(42, Cons(42, ...)))))) You can use, for instance, ``scanl`` and ``map`` to create more complex infinite lists from a simple one: .. code-block:: python >>> xs = repeat(1).scanl(lambda acc, x: acc + x) >>> xs Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Cons(5, Cons(6, ...)))))) >>> x: x ** 2) Cons(1, Cons(4, Cons(9, Cons(16, Cons(25, Cons(36, ...)))))) Note that this works also for very long lists: .. code-block:: python >>> xs.drop(10000) Cons(10001, Cons(10002, Cons(10003, Cons(10004, Cons(10005, Cons(10006, ...)))))) One can create infinite lists by using a recursive definition: .. code-block:: python >>> xs = Cons(42, lambda: xs) But beware that this kind of recursive definition doesn't always work as one might expect. For instance, the following construction causes huge recursion depths: .. code-block:: python >>> xs = Cons(1, lambda: y: y + 1)) >>> xs Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Cons(4, Cons(5, Nil))))) >>> xs.drop(10000) RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object This happens because each value depends recursively on all the previous values """ match = attr.ib()
[docs] @class_property def empty(cls): return Nil
[docs] @class_function def pure(cls, x): """a -> LinkedList a""" return Cons(x, lambda: Nil)
[docs] def map(self, f): """List a -> (a -> b) -> List b""" return self.match( Nil=lambda: Nil, Cons=lambda x, xs: Cons(f(x), lambda: xs().map(f)), )
[docs] def bind(self, f): """List a -> (a -> List b) -> List b""" def append_lazy(xs, lys): """LinkedList a -> (() -> LinkedList a) -> LinkedList a Append two linked lists. This function is "lazy" in its second argument, that is, ``lys`` is a lambda function that returns the linked list. """ return xs.match( Nil=lambda: lys(), Cons=lambda x, lxs: Cons(x, lambda: append_lazy(lxs(), lys)) ) return self.match( Nil=lambda: Nil, Cons=lambda x, lxs: append_lazy(f(x), lambda: lxs().bind(f)), )
[docs] def append(self, ys): """LinkedList a -> LinkedList a -> LinkedList a""" return self.match( Nil=lambda: ys, Cons=lambda x, lxs: Cons(x, lambda: lxs().append(ys)) )
[docs] def take(self, n): # Note that here we can use a recursive definition because the # recursion stops at lambda, so the list is consumed lazily. return self.match( Nil=lambda: Nil, Cons=lambda x, xs: ( Nil if n <= 0 else Cons(x, lambda: xs().take(n-1)) ), )
[docs] def drop(self, n): # This is the trivial recursive implementation: # # return self.match( # Nil=lambda: Nil, # Cons=lambda x, xs: ( # Cons(x, xs) if n <= 0 else # xs().drop(n-1) # ), # ) # # However, recursion causes stack overflow for long lists with large n. # So, let's use a loop: xs = self for i in range(n): (exit, xs) = xs.match( Nil=lambda: (True, Nil), Cons=lambda z, zs: (False, zs()) ) if exit: break return xs
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """LinkedList a -> LinkedList a -> bool""" # Here's a nice recursive solution: # # return self.match( # Nil=lambda: other.match( # Nil=lambda: True, # Cons=lambda _, __: False, # ), # Cons=lambda x, xs: other.match( # Nil=lambda: False, # Cons=lambda y, ys: (x == y) and (xs() == ys()), # ), # ) # # However, it doesn't work because of Python has bad recursion support. # So, let's use recurse_tco which converts recursion to a loop: return self.recurse_tco( lambda acc, x: ( acc.match( # self is longer than other Nil=lambda: Left(False), Cons=lambda y, lys: ( # Elements don't match Left(False) if x != y else # All good thus far, continue Right(lys()) ) ) ), lambda acc: acc.match( # Both lists are empty (or end at the same time) Nil=lambda: True, # other is longer than self Cons=lambda _, __: False, ), other, )
[docs] def to_iter(self): lxs = lambda: self while True: (stop, x, lxs) = lxs().match( Nil=lambda: (True, None, None), Cons=lambda z, lzs: (False, z, lzs), ) if stop: break yield x
[docs] def recurse_tco(self, f, g, acc): """Recursion with tail-call optimization Type signature: ``LinkedList a -> (b -> a -> Either c b) -> (b -> c) -> b -> c`` where ``a`` is the type of the elements in the linked list, ``b`` is the type of the accumulated value and ``c`` is the type of the result. Quite often, the accumulated value is also the end result, so ``b`` is ``c`` and ``g`` is an identity function. As Python supports recursion very badly, some typical recursion patterns are implemented as methods that convert specific recursions to efficients loops. This method implements the following pattern: .. code-block:: python >>> return self.match( ... Nil=lambda: g(acc), ... Cons=lambda x, lxs: f(acc, x).match( ... Left=lambda y: y, ... Right=lambda y: lxs().recurse_tco(f, g, y) ... ) ... ) This recursion method supports short-circuiting and simple tail-call optimization. A value inside ``Left`` stops the recursion and returns the value. A value inside ``Right`` continues the recursion with the updated accumulated value. Examples -------- For instance, the following recursion calculates the sum of the list elements until the sum exceeds one million: .. code-block:: python >>> from haskpy import Left, Right, iterate >>> xs = iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 1) >>> my_sum = lambda xs, acc: xs.match( ... Nil=lambda: acc, ... Cons=lambda y, ys: acc if acc > 1000000 else my_sum(xs, acc + y) ... ) >>> my_sum(xs, 0) Unfortunately, this recursion exceeds Python maximum recursion depth because 1000000 is a large enough number. Note that this cannot be implemented with ``foldl`` because it doesn't support short-circuiting. Also, ``foldr`` doesn't work because it's right-associative so it cannot short-circuit based on the accumulator. But it can be calculated with this ``recurse_tco`` method which converts the recursion into a loop internally: .. code-block:: python >>> xs.recurse_tco( ... lambda acc, x: Left(acc) if acc > 1000000 else Right(acc + x), ... lambda acc: acc, ... 0 ... ) See also -------- foldl foldr foldr_lazy """ stop = False xs = self while not stop: (stop, acc, xs) = xs.match( Nil=lambda: (True, g(acc), Nil), Cons=lambda y, lys: f(acc, y).match( Left=lambda z: (True, z, Nil), Right=lambda z: (False, z, lys()) ) ) return acc
[docs] def foldl(self, combine, initial): """Foldable t => t a -> (b -> a -> b) -> b -> b Strict left-associative fold ((((a + b) + c) + d) + e) """ # NOTE: The following simple recursive implementation doesn't work # because it can exceed Python maximum recursion depth: # # return self.match( # Nil=lambda: initial, # Cons=lambda x, xs: xs().foldl(combine, combine(initial, x)), # ) # # So, let's use a for-loop based solution instead: return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: combine(a)(b), self, initial)
[docs] def foldr(self, combine, initial): """Foldable t => t a -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b Strict right-associative fold. Note that this doesn't work for infinite lists because it's strict. You probably want to use ``foldr_lazy`` or ``foldl`` instead as this function easily exceeds Python maximum recursion depth (or the stack overflows). ..code-block:: python >>> xs = iterate(lambda x: x + 1, 1) >>> xs.foldr(lambda y, ys: Cons(2 * y, lambda: ys), Nil) RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object """ return self.match( Nil=lambda: initial, Cons=lambda x, xs: combine(x)(xs().foldr(combine, initial)) )
[docs] def foldr_lazy(self, combine, initial): r"""Foldable t => t a -> (a -> (() -> b) -> (() -> b)) -> b -> b Nonstrict right-associative fold with support for lazy recursion, short-circuiting and tail-call optimization. HOW ABOUT [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,...] -> (a(b(c(d(e))))) UNTIL TOTAL STRING LENGTH IS X? Parameters ---------- combine : curried function See also -------- haskpy.typeclasses.foldable.foldr_lazy """ def step(x, lxs): """A single recursion step Utilizes tail-call optimization if used. """ lacc_prev = lambda: run(lxs()) lacc_next = combine(x)(lacc_prev) # Special case: Tail call optimization! If the lazy accumulator # stays unmodified, we can just iterate as long as it's not # modified. while lacc_next is lacc_prev: (lxs, lacc_next) = lxs().match( Nil=lambda: (Nil, lambda: initial), Cons=lambda z, lzs: (lzs, combine(z)(lacc_next)), ) # Just return and let the normal recursion roll return lacc_next() def run(xs): """Run the recursion This wouldn't need to be wrapped in a separate function as we could call foldr_lazy recursively. However, as we explicitly curry combine-function, let's avoid doing that at every step. """ return xs.match( Nil=lambda: initial, Cons=step, ) return run(self)
[docs] def scanl(self, f): return self.match( Nil=lambda: Nil, Cons=lambda x, xs: Cons(x, lambda: xs()._scanl(f, x)), )
[docs] def _scanl(self, f, acc): def create_cons(x, xs): z = f(acc, x) return Cons(z, lambda: xs()._scanl(f, z)) return self.match( Nil=lambda: Nil, Cons=create_cons, )
def __repr__(self): return self.__repr() def __repr(self, maxdepth=5): return self.match( Nil=lambda: "Nil", Cons=lambda x, xs: "Cons({0}, {1})".format( repr(x), "..." if maxdepth <= 0 else xs().__repr(maxdepth-1), ), ) # # Sampling methods for property tests # # @class_function # @st.composite # def sample_value(draw, cls, a): # return draw( # st.one_of( # st.just(Nil), # # lambda x: Cons( # x, # lambda: draw(cls.sample_value(a)) # ) # ) # ) # ) # #return st.lists(a, max_size=10).map(lambda xs: cls(*xs)) @class_function def sample_value(cls, a): # It's not possible to sample linked lists lazily because hypothesis # doesn't support that sampling happens at some later point (the # sampler gets "frozen"). So, we must sample everything at once, # although we then add the "lazy" lambda wrapping to the pre-sampled # values. # # This non-lazy sampling could be implemented recursively as follows: # return st.deferred( lambda: st.one_of( st.just(Nil), a.flatmap( lambda x: cls.sample_value(a).map( lambda xs: Cons(x, lambda: xs) ) ) ) ) # # However, this can cause RecursionError in Python, so let's write it # as a loop instead: sample_type = testing.sample_type_from_value( testing.sample_type(), ) sample_functor_type = testing.sample_type_from_value() sample_applicative_type = sample_functor_type sample_monad_type = sample_functor_type sample_semigroup_type = testing.sample_type_from_value( testing.sample_type(), ) sample_monoid_type = sample_semigroup_type sample_eq_type = testing.sample_type_from_value( testing.sample_eq_type(), )
[docs] def __eq_test__(self, other, data=None): return self.match( Nil=lambda: other.match( Nil=lambda: True, Cons=lambda _, __: False, ), Cons=lambda x, lxs: other.match( Nil=lambda: False, Cons=lambda y, lys: ( eq_test(x, y, data) and eq_test(lxs(), lys(), data) ), ), )
sample_foldable_type = testing.sample_type_from_value() sample_foldable_functor_type = sample_foldable_type
Nil = LinkedList(match=lambda Nil, Cons: Nil())
[docs]def Cons(x, xs): """xs is a lambda function""" return LinkedList(match=lambda Nil, Cons: Cons(x, xs))
[docs]@function def iterate(f, x): return Cons(x, lambda: iterate(f, f(x)))
[docs]@function def repeat(x): xs = Cons(x, lambda: xs) return xs
[docs]@function def replicate(n, x): return ( Nil if n <= 0 else Cons(x, lambda: replicate(n - 1, x)) )